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Cloning Images
Painting with a clone brush is similar to painting with any tool, except that clone brush variants take their color information from a clone source instead of from the Color palette.
Painting in the Clone
When you paint with a clone brush, it picks up color from the clone source while you control the size and direction of brush strokes.
A sample of painting with clone brush variants.
To paint with clone brushes
- Create a clone of the document you wish to paint
- With the clone selected, choose Main Window menu -> Select -> All
- Press Del on the keyboard to clear the entire canvas
- Choose Main Window menu -> Select -> Deselect
- Choose a clone brush variant from the Brush selector
- Paint in the image
If you don't set a clone source, clone brushes paint with imagery from the first opened image.
To set a clone source
- In the Tools palette, click the Brush tool
- On the property bar, click the Clone Source button
and choose the image you want to reference
To change to a crosshair cursor
- Choose Main Window menu -> Edit -> Preferences
- Choose in the Preferences dialog box Painting
- Enable the Indicate Clone Source with Crosshairs while Cloning option
The crosshairs indicate which area of the original image you are cloning as you paint.